Monday, June 6, 2011

Take the time . . . it's worth the investment!

Do you ever get in a rush cleaning house, cooking dinner, grocery shopping and your little one is wanting to "help"?  Or your teenager helps you with laundry or cleaning and you get frustrated because they didn't do something right, so the next time you just do it yourself?  Or you have a young person who wants to know how you cooked something and you just hand them the recipe?

Discipleship is living your life out loud, allowing others to experience it with you . . . they will never learn if we aren't transparent with them and guide them in their steps. 

This morning as I'm rushing around the house attempting to vacuum, mop and dust, my little one is constantly "under my feet" wanting to help.  When  my older children were younger, I would have gotten so frustrated if they walked across my recently mopped floor or tried to sweep or vacuum where I was working.  My goal then was just to get it done - there wasn't a goal of teaching as I went.  But today as we were vacuuming and mopping together, God reminded me of the verses in I Thessalonians 2:7-8 ". . .but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.  We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."  Again, discipleship is living your life out loud, so those around you comprehend the love of Christ through us and learn to live a life of praise just through living the life God willed for us. 

So next time a little person wants to help or a young person needs to learn a basic life skill, consider it an opportunity to disciple them . . . show them how to praise God simply through living their life.

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