Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Nativity

With this being our "Little Missy's" first Christmas, there were lots of new things to discover and find. One of her favorites was our manger scene located on the entry way piece at our front door. Every morning as she awoke from her sleep, she would motion over to the nativity and want to go over to hold Mary and Baby Jesus, Joseph, one of the wisemen and the camel. Then, at different times, she would want to hold different pieces, but always Mary and Baby Jesus. While she was napping on New Year's Day, I took advantage of that time by removing and storing the majority of our Christmas decorations. To her disappointment when she awoke, Baby Jesus was no longer on the entry way piece, but rather a boring lamp and our family picture. As the week has progressed, several times she has pointed in that direction and with a puzzled look on her face, she can't find Baby Jesus. So today, I am putting our manger scene back on our entry way piece and maybe it will become a permanent, rather than holiday, fixture in our home. Though she has a very simple, 9 month old's mind, she is very much correct - we should celebrate Jesus' birth and seek Him everyday, not just on Christmas Day!

God Bless!