Monday, December 28, 2009

Reckless Abandonment

As I was attempting to update our blog, the Facebook group and all the many forms of communication that we use, I had this precious little person wearing a big smile and chanting little words, that only God can understand, rapidly approach me from behind. Yes, over the course of the holiday, "Little Missy" has mastered the art of crawling, and rapidly at that! But as I watch her approaching me, then moving over to her high chair to attempt to stand (and keep in mind - the high chair is mobile, she has on a footed outfit and she is on hardwood floors - recipe for disaster if not handled properly) I recognize that is EXACTLY how our Heavenly Father wants us to be - approach Him with excitement, then serve with reckless abandonment - not worry about falling down, but counting on Him to dust us off when we do. If you are like me and grew up in the church, you have heard numerous times we are to have the faith of little children . . . so why don't we? Why do we worry about the "what ifs" and falling down, why don't we go about our day with excitement, anticipation and "reckless abandonment", knowing all the while He is there to catch us when we fall.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of our precious "Little Missy" and remember when you see a child learning to crawl or walk with Mom or Dad behind them, that is how God wants us to be - never fearing, just proceeding and trusting Him. Psalm 27:1

Saturday, November 14, 2009

CHALLENGE! Outside the Box . . .

If you know me, you will know that most of the time I live "outside the box". I'm not one of those people who can drive the same route to and from a place day after day, I HAVE to change it up a little. My mother probably would tell you I didn't stay within the safe boundaries most of my life either - I like to venture out! Now as a Mother, I tend to venture out only when it is comfortable, safe, protected, very seldom do I tread on the uncomfortable, dangerous, risky side of life. A few months ago, I felt convicted to participate in a simple, yet stressful outreach activity - I say participate, because it really was God working through me . . . It wasn't my actions or courage that made it happen, it was GOD! He convicted my heart to just do the simple task of asking my waiter or waitress how I could pray for them . . . Sitting in your comfy chair reading this, that sounds quite easy to you and it may genuinely be easy for you, but for me it wasn't. I recall walking into the restaurant all alone and praying to God to give me a specific type of woman = (non-threatening), but He knew much better than I what was needed to happen. As I shakingly walked into the restaurant, there welcoming me with a delightful smiling face was the woman I had prayed for God to allow to be my waitress, but instead she was my hostess - there to greet me and lighten my fears. Much to my surprise, God had already designated me a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant without any other customers in the near vicinity. He knew I needed quiet, focus and no audience. Then, this handsome young man came to take my drink order - he was college age, very mannerly . . . a young gentleman, who appeared to have everything in order. We had polite, general conversation as he took my order and brought me my drink. Finally, the time came, all along I had continuously been praying over the task in which God had asked me to participate, I must ask this young gentleman how can I pray for him. After placing my lunch on the table, he asked if there was anything else he could do for me . . . "OH NO! It's that time" I was thinking . . . and somehow miraculously the words flowed straight from my mouth without a stutter, a choke, but freely and compassionately "I'm going to pray over my lunch. How may I pray for you?" This young man suddenly let down his polished, mannerly guard and shared the current events in his life with me, the stresses of his day, week, month, and year. But as God has always shown me, I was the one who was truly blessed by participating in that simple, yet stressful, uncomfortable, emotionally risky and dangerous task . . . I was the one who God blessed beyond measure!!!

So I ask you now . . . What has He asked of you lately? How has He asked you to step outside of your box? Have you obeyed?

This week I was blessed to represent the women's ministry of Salem at the National Women's Ministry Leadership Forum. The resounding theme was get outside of the four walls of the church. Jesus didn't stay inside the temple! He was with the lame, the broken hearted, the social outcasts, the sick . . . He was with those who needed to know Him!

I challenge you today to use all that you have learned in those Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, Anne Graham Lotz studies and get out there in the world and share Him with those who need to know Him. Ask God to convict your heart of one task a day . . . one outreach activity you can do at work, at school, at the mall, wherever you are - He will meet you there and He will honor your request! Let's be arms, legs and voices for Jesus . . . let's put our knowledge into action!

Finally, when you accept those challenges and God blesses you . . . share it with us! We want to know how you have stepped outside of your comfort zone, how you have reached out and touched someone for Jesus . . . God bless you as you reach out for His Kingdom!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Heart of Joy" Women's Evangelism Conference

What a wonderful weekend! God was absolutely amazing!!! We laughed together, sang together, cried together . . . God had a special message for each of us individually and corporately. We were blessed with fabulous praise and worship music led by Matt Noll, the Praise Team and Praise Band, then special testimonies from Kristina Haury and Michelle Hodge and messages brought to us by Kay Hirsch and Linda Lequire. My heart is still overflowing with joy and I am still in a state of awe! What a mighty God we serve.

To those of you who were not able to be with us, I hope you will plan to take part in the next conference. To those who volunteered, made desserts, performed, prayed for this event - a million "thank yous". We couldn't have done this without you!

I hope you enjoy a few photos from the event!

Kristina Haury

Kay Hirsch

Real men do wear Pink!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Heart of Joy" Women's Evangelism Conference

Well ladies, we are just 5 days away from the "Heart of Joy" Women's Evangelism Conference. And boy do I feel like I need some joy. Our church has really been burdened with much sorrow and grief over the past week. Amazingly, I got a snipit of the music and my whole mood changed . . . I opened my sunroof, turned up the radio and just praised Him! ". . . He is our shield, our strength, our portion, deliverer, strong tower, our ever present help in time of need!" He has given us a beautiful fall day today and what a wonderful day to get out and praise walk.

If you haven't made plans to join us at "Heart of Joy", I hope you will reconsider. The planning team has been working and praying over this event for more than a year. The prayer team has been praying specifically for 150+ names of unchurched and/or unsaved women. God has an amazing weekend planned for us and it is ours for the taking . . . just show up and celebrate with Him.

The details are as follows:

Friday, October 16th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Saturday, October 17th from 8:30am to Noon

If you have any questions, please email us at or call Ann Bertschin 770-601-8263.