Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We're Moving . . .

July 1st we will be live at our new blog home!  Look for us tomorrow to see the address.

Friday, June 24, 2011

5 Basic Needs of Mothers

This is a blog post from Lifeway's WM Blog . . . thought it was too good not to share.  Great thoughts when you are witnessing or ministering to another mother.

Mothers have basic needs unique to their stage of life. Help mothers in your women's ministry recognize their needs and see that each one can be ultimately satisfied by Christ:

1. Significance: "Sometimes I wonder if mothering matters."

Moms need to know their role has value and makes a difference in the lives of their children. But ultimately, they need to realize that their work as a mom will never be enough to earn the consistent significance they're looking for - God alone provides true purpose and significance.

2. Identity: "Sometimes I'm not sure who I am."

Because mothers' attention is focused primarily on their children, they may feel they've lost touch with who they are. But when they see themselves as God sees them, they can drop the burden of feeling they aren't good enough and focus on being all God created them to be.

3. Growth: "Sometimes I long to develop who I am."

Mothers often convince themselves that now is the time for them to nurture their children and they must put their own lives on hold. But they are better moms when they find time and energy to keep themselves as well as their kids growing.

4. Intimacy: "Sometimes I long to be understood."

Intimacy in relationships can't be put on hold while kids grow, even though relationships must adapt. Moms need to pursue intimacy in their marriages, friendships, and with God.

5. Instruction: "Sometimes I don't know what to do."

Mothers aren't born knowing everything about mothering! They need information and practical wisdom regarding parenting, relationships, finances, personal development, and appropriate choices. As a women's leader, you can be a trustworthy provider of this help by pointing to Scripture for the truth and guidance they'll need.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Little Sponges

The man of our little one's life sharing a book with her!
Have you ever watched a dry sponge when you set it down on top of some spilled water?  What does it do?  It soaks everything up.  What happens when you squeeze it out?  It releases everything it soaked up.  Isn't that how are children are?

I have the fortunate adventure of having teenages and a two year old.  The blessing in that is you see where you messed up with the older children and have a second chance with the little one.  Our two year old now probably knows more about the Bible than our older children did by the age of five.  Please know this is not a pat on our backs, because recognize we messed up with the older children.  But rather, my point is our little ones are like little sponges . . . whatever they are taught, they soak it all up and whenever asked they spout it all back out.  Ever been driving, someone does something ridiculous and you make an out loud comment of some sort.  What do you hear from the back seat?  OOPS!  The good and the bad, they soak it all into their little minds. 

You Mommas who get discouraged because you "just" stay at home . . . Don't let that get you down.  You only have a few precious years to do the best job in the world . . . Raising up the future church of believers.  Take advantage of filling those little sponges with the Word of God and setting the example of how Christ's love should be shared with others.  And you Mommas who have to work away and at home, just remember to keep godly examples in their lives while you are away, the treasure the time you have with them.  No one has perfected mothering, so all we can do is give them God's best - and that's through you!

And next time some bad driver pulls out in front of you, just "Bless him"!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Be Careful Little Eyes What You See . . .

Have you ever been doing something and felt like someone was watching you, to turn around and find no one?  Or have you ever done something thinking no one saw you and then found out someone was watching?  Both are awkward moments, right?

So often we go through our day-to-day activities not realizing what eyes may be watching us.  Perfect example, do you know how many times I had heard the word "stoked" before Ryan and Megan came?  Or the use of the word "stinkin'"?  Never!  Now I just chuckle everytime I see something posted on Facebook, receive a text or hear one of our students or the youth leaders use either of the words . . . They were words used by two respected individuals which were picked up by many.  Isn't it funny how things catch on!

Whether we know it or not, there's always eyes and ears paying attention to how we live our lives.  So how are you living yours? 

A few weeks ago we were on a little getaway with family friends.  One of the mornings, our little missy awoke and walked into the kitchen to peep out the back door at her friend "Miss Kim".  Immediately, she ran to me questionning where was her Bible.  Unfortunately, I had not brought hers - remembered mine, but not hers.  The beauty was that she saw "Miss Kim" having her morning quiet time; therefore, she wanted to emulate her.  So instead she just used mine and told us about Jacob and Noah.  How exciting! 

We have in our possession the greatest instruction book.  There are many in our community who are wanting needing an example of a godly life.  Live your life out loud the way God called you to live and be an example of Jesus' love to those who haven't yet met him.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beth Moore . . .

I know many of you "Siestas", as Beth would say, are strong supporters of Beth Moore and love her Bible studies.  I just wanted to relay some bitter sweet information to you regarding Beth and her family. . . before  you panic, no, I know nothing about her ending her Bible studies!!! Shoooh!  Relief!  I can hear you Brenda, and all the rest of you!  Actually, it's very wonderful news . . . Beth's son-in-law, Curtis Jones, has been called to start a church plant in another part of Houston; therefore, Beth and her family will be leaving their home church of 30 years, Houston FBC.  I pass this information on to you to encourage you to pray over this family, the new church body and the geographical area to which they will be impacting for the kingdom of God.  For more information on this exciting news, please visit the following link to her blog.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Precious Testimony

Every Wednesday during the school year, we have a group of moms and grandmoms who gather together with the sole purpose of praying over our school students called Mom's In Touch.  This prayer time takes no special speaking skills or talent, just a love for your own children and a heart that trusts God for their well-being.  Recently, a testimony was shared from another Mom's In Touch group in Georgia . . . just wanted to share this precious and encouraging testimony.

The week prior to the Tuscaloosa tornado, several of my praying MITI moms actually prayed that Emily would be protected and her campus would be protected from all the storms that seem to hit around Tuscaloosa. I would not have prayed that day for Tuscaloosa but she had asked that I pray for her and all the finals she was taking. God was so faithful to quicken both of our spirits to ask for His help when we didn't really know what we were asking for. Thanks so much to those moms who come faithfully every week to pray for our children and the schools they attend! She is still quite shaken from learning her roommate's sorority sister died. Emily was in the basement of a house that sits across the street from the campus and right beside the courthouse. Many of you know that the tornado was heading straight for the courthouse and then made a 90 degree turn.... *name changed

What an awesome God we serve.  I challenge you to make Mom's In Touch a part of your weekly schedule this fall.  Prayer time is on Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 promptly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Take the time . . . it's worth the investment!

Do you ever get in a rush cleaning house, cooking dinner, grocery shopping and your little one is wanting to "help"?  Or your teenager helps you with laundry or cleaning and you get frustrated because they didn't do something right, so the next time you just do it yourself?  Or you have a young person who wants to know how you cooked something and you just hand them the recipe?

Discipleship is living your life out loud, allowing others to experience it with you . . . they will never learn if we aren't transparent with them and guide them in their steps. 

This morning as I'm rushing around the house attempting to vacuum, mop and dust, my little one is constantly "under my feet" wanting to help.  When  my older children were younger, I would have gotten so frustrated if they walked across my recently mopped floor or tried to sweep or vacuum where I was working.  My goal then was just to get it done - there wasn't a goal of teaching as I went.  But today as we were vacuuming and mopping together, God reminded me of the verses in I Thessalonians 2:7-8 ". . .but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.  We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."  Again, discipleship is living your life out loud, so those around you comprehend the love of Christ through us and learn to live a life of praise just through living the life God willed for us. 

So next time a little person wants to help or a young person needs to learn a basic life skill, consider it an opportunity to disciple them . . . show them how to praise God simply through living their life.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sanity for Moms!

Every Spring I highly anticipate the Summer season . . . no school, "relaxed" days, flexible schedules!  And every Summer, I am quickly reminded how busy Summer really is. 

And these are the things that remind me that I'm not alone:
1)  Multiple graduation invitations in the mailbox;
2)  Friends, whom I and them, have to reschedule lunches multiple times and surrendering to the idea that it may be when school starts back;
3)  "I'll get back with you", means maybe one or the other of us will remember to call the other within the next month.

As exhausting as all of this may sound, we should count it all as blessings! 

Remember, the relationships in your life are what's important, they are your life . . . everything else is just a small part of life!  Jesus invested His time in people, not "to do's" or things.  So I am reminded  . . . Don't let another moment get away that's not used wisely in the investment of people.  Pray for God to prioritize your day according to His will!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Taming Technology

In this day and time, we are so well connected that we are disconnected.  All of these electronic toys to help improve our connectedness (is that a word?) are intruding on our quality time with family and friends. 

Recently while traveling down the road, my husband commented to me "I thought you didn't like texting?". . . and here I was rattling away on my Blackberry.  Honestly, I really don't like texting, but the convenience and speediness of it sucks me in every time.  We were traveling down the road and I thought of a couple of things I needed to tell a couple of people.  In fear of forgetting, I typed out a quick text message or email.  I didn't want to intrude on our "quality time" by getting in a long conversation over the phone, so I thought I would just send a quick message.  Even though it may be quiet in the car, doesn't give us permission to zone out on our text messaging, emails, Facebook and Twitter . . . Sometimes that special person just wants to know that we are focused on them, even if we are just being quiet.  How many times do our phone, email, text and social networking intrude on God's time?

In a recent post for a WM website, Amy Lively posted a great article about controlling the control our electronics have on our lives.  I have copied the article below . . . thought you might enjoy! 

Technology Tools: 10 Tips for Taming Technology in Ministry and at Home
by Amy Lively

My new smart phone is smarter than me! Its "Genius Button" does whatever I tell it. If I say, "Find Starbucks," it navigates to the nearest barista. (It does not work, however, for "Find car keys.") It synchs my calendar, retrieves my email and displays my friends' Facebook statuses. Thanks to my handy handheld computer, I have everything I need at my fingertips. That's not always a good thing. Oh, it's a lifesaver when I'm at work - but when I'm at home, it's a life-interrupter. My email dings when I'm doing dishes, and reminders about tomorrow's meeting pop up while I'm helping with today's homework. And sometimes uninvited guests crowd around our dinner table who tweet and text as we try to talk.

Taming technology allows us to minister to our families as intently as we minister to women. It's difficult to focus on family when work is calling, and I'm equally unproductive at work when trivial family matters intrude. Controlling our computers keeps us on track instead of distracted when we are working. Here are some tips to make technology work for you, not against you:

Cell Phones
  • Silence alarms and alerts when you're not working. Some phones even have customizable work, home and weekend settings.
  • Screen your calls by choosing special ringtones for your work and family contacts.
  • Change your voicemail greeting during off-hours.

  • Check for new mail manually every hour instead of automatically every few minutes so you're not distracted by new message notifications.
  • Create rules or filters that move messages from your boss or coworkers to a "Work" folder you review only during work hours.
  • Flag messages that need follow up at a later date, then move them out of your Inbox. They'll be out of sight, but not out of mind.

Calendar and To Do Lists
  • Use categories so you can view Family or Work activities separately.
  • Learn how to use calendars, tasks and alarms to the max so nothing falls through the cracks.
Social Networks
  • Create lists in Facebook to organize your list of friends into Church, Work, Family, Friends, etc. You can view each list's stream separately.
  • Turn off notifications or have them sent to an email account you check once a day.
It's tempting to justify interruptions at home when you work "in ministry." Being available to help people is a big part of the job, but being available for our family takes top priority at home. Setting boundaries protects our personal time and makes the most of every minute at work.

So how do you tame your technology?  Post your comments and let us hear!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog Resuscitation

Ok, so we've had  a busy spring and I have been awful at blogging!  Just wanted to confirm the Women's Ministry is not dead, just the blogger has been running like a crazy woman . . . can you relate?  So now, I can breathe for a couple of months in between all the summer "to do lists" my family has. 

We are so excited about what the Lord has in store for us this upcoming school year.  Our leadership team will be putting the final touches on our events and studies soon.  If you are interested in participating or even volunteering for any of our events, activities or studies, please email me at

Have a great week!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Praying for Our Students . . .

Todays Prayer

Prayer for Student:

Search ___________, O God, and know his/her heart; test _____________ and know his/her anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in ______________, and lead him/her in the way everlasting.  (From Psalm 139:23-24)

Prayer for School Authorities:

May they realize and understand that each of us will give an account to God.  (From Romans 14:12)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Praying for Our Students . . .

Every Wednesday during the school year, women meet to pray over our students - this is open to any woman who desires to pray for a specific student.  Although, we understand many of you have other commitments; therefore, I will begin posting our prayer for the day for our students.  Please feel free to take this and pray for your personal students, whether they be your child, your grandchild, your niece or nephew or even just a student you know at church.  Our children NEED prayer warriors praying them through their day. 

Today's Prayer

Prayer for Student:
May __________________ not be afraid because You are with him/her.  May ____________ not be dismayed, for You are his/her God.  Strengthen ___________.  Help him/her.  Uphold him/her with Your victorious right hand.  (From Isaiah 41:10)

(Fill in the blanks with your child's name)

Prayer for their School Administrators:
May wisdom enter their hearts, and knowledge be pleasant to their souls.  Proverbs 2:10

Monday, February 28, 2011

She put her Lord first . . .

This morning I had the priviledge of attending the homegoing service of the grandmother of one of our young women on the Women's Leadership Team.  During the visitation last night, we listened to stories of the family and how they had always lived together, spent meals together . . . grandchildren having the honor of having their great grandmother and grandmother reside in their home.  What a priviledge!  What a legacy, not many of us can claim that legacy.  A family that cared for each other!  PRAISE GOD!  But even better today was to hear a gentleman who was once her deacon, then her associate pastor and today her friend describe a woman who loved others, put them ahead of herself, but most importantly, put God first!  I never knew Mrs. Mable Watson, but Andrew and Megan - you have a phenomenal legacy.  To hear of a great grandmother who loved her Lord and lived it through loving people, I knew in my heart she was an incredible lady.  Praise God for women who choose Him first, praise God for the legacy He has created through this family.  Our prayers are with you, Cheryl. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Planning for "Decorate Your Space" Mother and Daughter Dinner

Planning is in the works for our "Decorate Your Space" Mother and Daughter Dinner for our high school graduating seniors and their moms.  This is an wonderful opportunity to embrace these young ladies, celebrate their accomplishment and challenge them for the future.  To view our blog post from last year's event, go to the Blog Archive link for May labeled DYS Mother Daughter Dinner.  If you know of any high school senior girl who is not a member of Salem's youth, but would like to participate in such an event - please email us with her name, her Mom's name and their mailing address.  Our email address for additional information is

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Strength to Stand"

I had the priviledge to chaperone our students to their recent youth conference.  WOW!  If you want to get fired up about Christ, hang out with our students for a while . . . they are so passionate about Him!  This was a phenomenal conference coupled with a great group.  Salem is truly blessed with youth who have a desire to have an ongoing relationship with Christ and share their faith with others.  Next time you see a youth member, ask them to share their testimony with you . . . It's very eye opening and humbling!