Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July

With the exception of one day a year, we have drifted from celebrating the wonderful freedoms we have in our country. Post 9/11 days, I have become more hesitant about traveling freely outside of our home land. The numbers of anti-American groups out there are growing consistently . I think back to the "Mayberry" days and how joyful things were . . . I even think back to my childhood and how much safer our world seemed. Recently, I read a marvelous book entitled Radical discussing the need for radical change in our Christian living. In my reading, I am reminded of how in other countries people are traveling by foot to hidden, secret houses to spend 10-12 hours JUST studying the Bible - there are no fancy buildings, music, bands, just a dirt floor and one light dangling from the ceiling.

So many times the musician singing the Star Spangled Banner tries to put their own personal spin on the song and we lose the song and the meaning of the words, I have never heard a better version of the song than this video represents . . . I hope you enjoy as much as I did! Reflect and PRAISE HIM for our freedoms, then celebrate them by spending some quiet, alone time in His Word! ENJOY!

NOTE: Before playing the video, please scroll down to the bottom of the page to pause the music from our site.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fall Women's Retreat

Sunday we will be opening up registration for the Fall Women's Retreat taking place Friday, October 29th - Saturday, October 30th. This year's theme is "Sweet Life Cafe . . . Where Women Savor Time With God". Our place of renewal and refreshment will be Simponsonwood Conference Center in Norcross . . . it's a little piece of quiet in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city. The total registration fee is $99/person with a deposit of $25 due now to reserve your spot. Space is limited, so please do not delay in making your reservations. We will have an information table located in the Welcome Center between services on Sundays, July 11th, July 18th and 25th. If you have any questions, want to pick up a registration form or drop off your deposit, please stop by and speak with one of our ladies. Also for additional information, please feel free to contact Ann Bertschin at salem.girls@gmail.com. We hope that you will make this part of your fall plans . . . you won't want to miss out!