Monday, December 28, 2009

Reckless Abandonment

As I was attempting to update our blog, the Facebook group and all the many forms of communication that we use, I had this precious little person wearing a big smile and chanting little words, that only God can understand, rapidly approach me from behind. Yes, over the course of the holiday, "Little Missy" has mastered the art of crawling, and rapidly at that! But as I watch her approaching me, then moving over to her high chair to attempt to stand (and keep in mind - the high chair is mobile, she has on a footed outfit and she is on hardwood floors - recipe for disaster if not handled properly) I recognize that is EXACTLY how our Heavenly Father wants us to be - approach Him with excitement, then serve with reckless abandonment - not worry about falling down, but counting on Him to dust us off when we do. If you are like me and grew up in the church, you have heard numerous times we are to have the faith of little children . . . so why don't we? Why do we worry about the "what ifs" and falling down, why don't we go about our day with excitement, anticipation and "reckless abandonment", knowing all the while He is there to catch us when we fall.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of our precious "Little Missy" and remember when you see a child learning to crawl or walk with Mom or Dad behind them, that is how God wants us to be - never fearing, just proceeding and trusting Him. Psalm 27:1

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