Friday, April 30, 2010

Beth Moore - Live in Atlanta . . . "So long, Insecurity!"

For those who missed this wonderful conference, I wanted to post comments from some of the attendees . . .

"Saturday morning when my alarm went off, my first thoughts were about sleeping in. Even as I was getting ready that morning, I was weighing more sleep over the $60 ticket price. I just kept telling myself that was just Satan trying to keep me from where God wanted me to be that day. I arrived at the church, got on the bus and was overcome with new fears. Will anyone sit with me? Am I going to have anyone to pal around with or talk to today? There were only a handful of people that I kinda' knew going and only one or two that I knew well. So I sat by myself. On the ride to Woodstock, I opened the envelope with my ticket and was reminded of the topic of the day, So Long, Insecurities . . . Hmm, seemed fitting for today. There was chitchat on the ride and a few introductions, but the fear of spending the day alone still remained. One of the first things that Beth Moore said was something along the lines of, Insecurity is not a weakness, it is lack of faith. Do I lack faith? No. Am I feeling insecure? Yes. Why? Why, why am I letting these trivial things cloud my mind? I let them go, and just soaked up everything that Beth had to say. The day was AMAZING! I met some new people, conquered some of my own fears. I even passed one of the ladies Sunday morning and she chatted with me like she had known me forever. God is Good!"

-Kimberly Fernau

"The Beth Moore Conference at Woodstock was awesome, it is hard to imagine 9,000 women, much less 300,000 women worshiping together in one accord. It was so awesome! You could feel God's presence!"

-Gloria Ambrose

"Saturday was awesome! It was wonderful to be with so many women who were intentionally there to praise God and love on each other. It was a very special day where the truth of Christ, of His love and security were shared with literally over 300,000 women nation wide. What an amazing wonder that only God can stitch together."

-Cheryl Lindsey

"Hearing Beth speak is such a blessing. I don't ever want to miss an opportunity to hear her. Seeing her in person allows you to see that she is authentically passionate about our Savior and humbly give Him all the glory and shows that she has a real love for women. Beth is such a dear and close friend to me (even though she doesn't even know it . . . but maybe I'll get to meet her to tell her one day). The recent conference in Atlanta came at just the right time. I had many "ah-ha" moments, because she just gets it. When you can't put your finger on it, she does. I'm thankful she is so in tune to what God presses on her heart then courageously shares with us. She has a way of making you feel that she's talking directly to you . . . even if you are one of 300,000 in the room."

-Sharon Griffin

". . . Beth just has a way of explaining things in such a clear and relevant way. She also does not beat around the bush on our responsibility to make choices in our lives. . ."

-Leianne Penn

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